AJE Components
ReportDataString PropertiesAJE Data Report Engine Help
The ReportDataString type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCharMode
Gets or sets the String Char Mode as either a list of Chars or Char Codes separated by a Comma.
Public propertyChars
Gets or sets the String Search Characters or Character Codes.
Public propertyCompare
Gets or sets how to Compare Strings when calling Comparison Functions.
Public propertyCount
Gets or sets the Maximum number of times the Replacement can occur.
Public propertyFunction
Gets or sets the String Function.
Public propertyLength
Gets or sets the Length for Trim, Set and Pad Functions.
Public propertyLocation
Gets or sets the Location of the String Functions Before and / or After.
Public propertyPosition
Gets or sets the String Search Position.
Public propertyReplace
Gets or sets the String Replace Characters or Character Codes.
Public propertyReplaceMode
Gets or sets the String Char Replace Mode as either a list of Chars or Char Codes separated by a Comma.
Public propertyStartAt
Gets or sets the String character position in the Input String where the Search begins.
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