Indigo DQM Data Management System Indigo DQM
Data Command XQuery / XSLT Indigo DQM Help

Indigo DQM's Data Management Engine (DME) can execute additional XQuery expressions and / or XSLT transforms on Data Command Queries if required.

Check the option to enable the XQuery and enter the XQuery / XPath expression to execute on the Data Command.

XQueries are executed after the Data Command Text and before the Data Outputs.

The XQuery can be linked to an XQuery File or embedded with the Data Command Query in the Data Asset Store.

XQuery expressions can also be encrypted if required to protect Data Assets.

XSL Transformations

XSLT features Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations which is a language for transforming XML documents into other XML documents or other formats such as HTML for web pages or plain text.

To specify an XSLT to transform the Data check the option 'Execute XSLT on Data'.

Embedded XSLT in the Data Command to transform the Data Output.

XSLT Execute When

The option to execute the XSLT can be either after or before the XQuery expression. By default transforms will be executed after the XQuery.

XSLT's can also be linked to an XSLT File or embedded with the Data Command Query in the Data Asset Store.

The XSLT can be encrypted if required to protect Data Assets.