Indigo DQM Data Management System Indigo DQM
Data Decryption Tool Indigo DQM Help

Indigo DET Data Decryption Tool allows sensitive and confidential information to be decrypted. Featuring AES 256 Advanced Encryption Standard information can be stored and transmitted across the Internet / Cloud in the most secure way possible.

Using the Decryption Tool Files and Data encrypted with Indigo DET can be decrypted. Open the encrypted File and press the 'Decrypt' button to view the Data.

Encryption passwords must match on the File being decrypted. If a File is encrypted with the password 'Indigo' then it must be decrypted with the same password. If the passwords do not match the decryption will fail.

It is important that you keep a copy of your encryption passwords in a secure location. Strong passwords must be used to ensure strong encryption keys are generated. Passwords are recommended at least 16 characters long with a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numbers and punctuation.

Encryption Passwords

Encryption passwords are used to create strong encryption keys for the AES 256 Advanced Encryption Standard.

Strong passwords must be used to ensure strong encryption keys are generated.

Passwords are recommended at least 16 characters long with a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numbers and punctuation.

Decryption Tool

The Decryption Tool allows Data encrypted with Indigo DET to be quickly decrypted.

Decrypted Data is immediately displayed and can be saved to File or sent by E-mail.

Viewing the contents of the decrypted File.

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256 is a symmetrical encryption algorithm that uses a 256-bit encryption key.

It is accepted by the U.S. and Canadian governments as the most secure way to store sensitive Data.

With AES-256 bit encryption you can be assured that you will be the only one who can access your critical information.