Indigo DRS Data Reporting System Indigo DRS
Report Tables Indigo DRS Help

To add or edit a Report Table click on the Report Designer tree-view and click a Report Section or Report Group and then click the menu Edit | New, Insert or Edit Table.

The Build Option property controls the output of the Report by including the content in HTML and / or PDF builds.

Report Tables need Table Rows and Columns adding. Click the Rows (...) collection button to open the Rows Editor to add Table Rows.

Enter the details for the Table Row along with any styling and conditional Report Rules. Add Columns / Cells to the Row by clicking the Columns Collection Editor.

Row and Alternate Row Styling

Rows and alternate Rows in the Report Table can styled with fonts, colors, borders and various other styling properties to customise the appearance of the Report Table. Expand the Report Column properties and configure the styling on the property page.

Report Table Cells can contain Report Paragraphs, Images, Charts, Data Tables, Pivot Tables, Sub Reports, Gauges, Shapes and other Report Tables.

To add a Report Item to the Table Cell click the Items (...) collection button and then the arrow on the Add button on the Collection Editor and select the item to add to the Report Table Cell.

Report Items added to the Report Table Cell can be edited using the property grid in the Collection Editor.

Report Data Tables, Charts and Images can be edited by clicking the Editor property button and additional advanced properties can be setup and previews of the Report output displayed.

Clicking the Editor property button for the Report Chart opens the properties form.

Report Data Context

Report Data Contexts are used to drive and build Report output content and also allows the consolidation and integration of data from multiple different sources and types such as API's, websites and data files to be read and used in the Report.

Data Contexts can be applied to specific Report elements allowing data in XML documents to be contextually enumerated. The default Data Context is the Report Data Source (XDM) root node and if no Data Context is specified then the current Report Data Source will be used.

Context Types can be either a series of XQuery or Python statements as applied to the current Data Context or XML, JSon, CSV, XLSX or HTML data.

XQuery and Python statements are evaluated in the current Report Data Context. Context Types that are XML, JSon, CSV, XLSX or HTML are read from the File URI.

To apply a Data Context to a Report element expand the Data Context property or click the (...) property button and specify the Content Type as either a Literal (Constant) or a File.

Report Rules

Report Rules are conditional XQuery or Python expressions that determine if Report content is enabled and applied to the build. Rule based queries return a Boolean that is either True or False and can query the Report Data Source and other Report Data Contexts. Rules are used for controlling the flow, visibility and activation of reporting content.

Report Rules if empty or null by default will always return True.

Report Namespaces

Report Namespaces are used for providing uniquely named elements and attributes and is a mechanism to avoid name conflicts by differentiating elements or attributes within an XML document that may have identical names, but different definitions. If the Report Data Source contains namespaces they can be applied to the XQuery Processor.